How NuEra® Tight Delivers Fully Personalised Treatments
We might not be able to alter a patient’s needs to meet the limited capability of any one device. But we can develop technology that goes above and beyond to deliver a range of highly customisable treatments suited to all possible patient concerns. That is exactly what Lumenis has achieved with NuEra® Tight.
Offering the ability to tailor every treatment to each patient’s unique body and skin requirements, NuEra Tight can be used for fat reduction, skin tightening, cellulite and wrinkle reduction.
A new level of control, with FocalRF
The NuEra Tight is powered by advanced FocalRF technology that delivers clinicians an unprecedented level of control. Dial-in the depth of energy penetration across five different radiofrequencies to achieve a fat reduction, skin tightening, cellulite reduction or wrinkle reduction treatment that is finely tuned to the desired skin and tissue layer. With FocalRF technology, each patient will enjoy a NuEra Tight body sculpting experience that resolves each and every one of their unique concerns.
Versatile for all aesthetic treatments
NuEra Tight’s trailblazing NuLogic feature gives clinicians the ability to easily create a fully customised treatment protocol that caters to the patient’s skin thickness, moisture and problem severity. They can set different parameters for each phase of the appointment, thereby targeting multiple tissue layers in the one session, each at the precise optimal depth.
Customisation for every body
The wide variety of handpieces, each of which is designed with a Coated Capacitive Energy Transfer (CCET), further expands NuEra Tight’s personalisation capabilities. With eight interchangeable electrodes available, clinics can treat any body and any sized area with uniform heat for consistent results.
As for the usability of the NuEra Tight, clinicians can easily call this non-invasive treatment into action with an intuitive user interface that all staff members will find seamless to use.
With NuEra Tight, patients will not only feel their needs are being met, they will feel like they are getting the personalised, special treatment they deserve.
Find out more about NuEra Tight’s incredible customisation capabilities by downloading our brochure.
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