Laser Hair Removal

Customize hair removal across a wide range of skin tones like never before

Laser hair removal is one of the most popular aesthetic procedures globally and has become a standard of care for both women and men alike. Discover the strength of the most researched hair removal brands that offer fast effective and comfortable method for permanent hair reduction (including tanned and dark skin).


Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Based on the principle of selective photothermolysis, laser hair removal targets the entire hair structure, from the hair shaft down to the follicle. Light energy with a specific wavelength is absorbed by the endogenous chromosphere melanin, resulting in the rapid heating and subsequent local thermal necrosis of the follicles’ regenerative structures.

To achieve permanent hair reduction, the laser system must be able to effectively treat all skin types, while providing maximum skin protection. Lighter skin types are mainly treated with 755nm (Alexandrite) or 805 nm (diodes laser) while darker skin types are mainly treated with 1060/1064 nm, which is available on both diode and solid state lasers. The laser’s wavelength, fluence, pulse duration and spot size determine the effectiveness of the treatment and also influence the depth of penetration and treatment speed.

Laser Hair Removal Market

Laser hair removal is still one of the most popular aesthetic procedures. The treatment has gained acceptance globally and has become the standard for both women and men of all ages from early teens upward.
Due to technological advances, laser hair removal is now even quicker, more convenient and more affordable than ever before – enabling the fast treatment of larger areas with minimal discomfort and no downtime.
As a result the hair removal market is growing at a rapid pace, and it is expected to rise to $1.35B by the end of 2022.2 In addition, its popularity makes it an excellent way get patients through the door. It gives treatment providers the opportunity to expand their patient base, penetrate new demographics and increase the opportunities of upselling additional treatments and strengthening other revenue streams.

Hair Removal Solutions by Lumenis

Lumenis is a pioneer in the field of aesthetic medicine and laser hair removal, and has led the LHR market for over 20 years with clinically-proven solutions that are synonymous with effective and reliable laser hair removal.

With Lumenis hair removal solutions, treatment providers can give their patients all the confidence they need!

Lumenis offers two powerful and versatile laser hair removal solutions for aesthetic treatment providers:

  • The LightSheer® Product Line – uses clinically-proven 805 nm and 1060 nm diode laser technology to permanently1 remove unwanted hair quickly, comfortably and effectively.
  • SPLENDOR X – the first solid-state, synchronized laser emission Alexandrite (755nm) and Nd: YAG (1064mm) system to use BLEND X™ technology.

LightSheer® Product Line


The LightSheer® systems use clinically-proven 805 nm and 1060 nm diode laser technology to permanently remove unwanted hair quickly, comfortably and effectively. 3,4,5

These systems feature two unique technologies: a High Speed vacuum assisted technology for large treatment areas and ChillTip™ integrated cooling technology for smaller areas and where precision treatment is required.

Treatment providers can customize treatments according to each patient’s hair type, skin type (including tanned and dark skin) and lifestyle – and therefore access a larger demographic.

The system range includes:

  • The DESIRE – a scalable and upgradable head-to-toe laser hair removal workstation.

Although primarily used for laser hair removal, LightSheer is also cleared for treating benign pigmented lesions, vascular lesions and wrinkle reduction.

SPLENDOR X with BLEND X Technology


SPLENDOR X by Lumenis is the first solid-state, synchronized laser emission Alexandrite and Nd: YAG system to be powered by . It is also the first fiber-delivered laser featuring a patented square spot for uniform skin coverage; and an integrated plume (smoke) evacuator and HEPA filter for a smoke-free working environment. The patient experience is enhanced even more with the integrated DCS (Dual Cooling System), which eliminates the need for numbing cream to make the procedure even faster.

Powerful, fast and versatile, SPLENDOR X is generally suitable for all skin tones (even dark or tanned skin) and for all body areas and types of hair. In addition to permanent hair reduction5, it can also be used to treat (PFB) Pseudofolliculitis Barbae, wrinkles, warts, pigmentation, and more.

1 Permanent hair reduction is defined as the long-term, stable reduction in the number of hairs re-growing when measured at 6, 9 and 12 months after the completion of a treatment regime. Fitzpatrick skin types I – VI, including tanned skin.
2 Transparency Market Research (TMR), Oct 2017.
3 Ibrahimi OA, Kilmer SL. Long-term clinical evaluation of a 800-nm long-pulsed diode laser with a large spot size and vacuum-assisted suction for hair removal. Dermatol Surg. 2012.
4 Xia Y, Moore R, Cho S, Ross EV. Evaluation of the vacuum-assisted handpiece compared with the sapphire-cooled handpiece of the 800-nm diode laser system for the use of hair removal and reduction. J Cosmet Laser Ther. 2010; 12: 264-268.
5 Permanent hair reduction is defined as the long-term, stable reduction in the number of hairs re-growing when measured at 6, 9 and 12 months after completing a treatment regime.

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